Alpine 1
This qualification is for people who operate in non-technical alpine terrain (low consequence snow slopes, open tussock or scree and easy rock scrambling). The use of a rope will not normally be required. The holder of this qualification can operate on snow slopes <25 degrees and simple ridge travel or operate in managed avalanche terrain i.e. ski fields.
Four-day assessment.
Holding a MSC Avalanche Skills Course 2 is a minimum prerequisite for Alpine 1. List of providers.
Alpine 2
This qualification is for people who operate in terrain up to and including Mt Cook technical grade 2 and serious grade 3 peaks less than 3000 meters. Trips are on easy glaciated terrain. The holder of this qualification can operate where avalanche hazard may be present, and options exist to reduce or eliminate exposure to risk.
Six-day assessment.
Holding a NZ Certificate in Avalanche Risk Management (Level 5) is a minimum prerequisite for Alpine 2.

Photo Credits: Top: Chris Prudden - Alpine Works; Above: Andy Fullerton
Course Outlines (Assessments)
On a NZOIA assessment there are a wide range of skills and knowledge that you will be tested on. Your Assessor will endeavour to ensure all areas in the syllabus are assessed. Below are outlines of what will likely be covered (depending on environmental conditions and other considerations at the time of the assessment) and how it relates to the syllabus.
Alpine 1 Assessment
Scope and Syllabus
Read and be familiar with the Alpine 1 Scope & Syllabus
You will be allocated two topics and will need to prepare a three-minute presentation. Topic 1 will be delivered to your Assessor on the first two days of your assessment. Topic 2 will be delivered to your clients in the field.
Applicable components from the NZOIA Alpine 1 Syllabus:
- Section 9: Demonstrate and/or describe cultural and environmental knowledge and interpretation of a given alpine area
Assignment - Scenario
You will be given a scenario and asked to plan a two-day winter expedition based on the information given. This will include a trip plan with aims and objectives, how you would source weather and access information, hazard identification and contingencies.
Applicable components from the NZOIA Alpine 1 Syllabus:
- Section 2: Demonstrate alpine navigation skills
- Section 4: Demonstrate avalanche and snow safety management skills
- Section 5: Demonstrate alpine camping skills
- Section 7: Apply weather interpretation and forecasting skills in an alpine environment
- Section 8: Role model and promote accepted environmental practices
- Section 10: Plan and prepare for an overnight alpine trip
- Section 12: Apply effective safety management