Complaints Process

    Your feedback is important to us and helps improve our practice and strive for Excellence in Outdoor Leadership. If you have concerns you would like to raise with NZOIA, there are number of both informal and formal ways you can communicate with the team at NZOIA.

    Course Evaluation

    At the end of every course, you will be sent an online anonymous course evaluation to provide constructive feedback on how things went. This is collated monthly and passed on to the Assessor. Operational feedback is analysed twice a year to ensure we continue to deliver quality courses and identify any changes needed. If we notice there is a common theme coming through in the evaluations, we escalate these to the Technical Sub-Committee (TSC) to consider and advise changes to our assessment processes as appropriate. Relevant themes or feedback relating to all Assessors is passed on through Assessor newsletters and as part of the annual Assessor Conference.

    Appeal and Grievance Process  

    If you are unhappy with the outcome of your assessment, you can lodge an appeal to us through the Appeal and Grievance Process.  

    Membership Survey

    At the end of each Membership year (June), there is an opportunity to give feedback via NZOIA's Membership survey. This is analysed to ensure we continue to deliver a quality service and to identify areas we could improve.

    Complaints Process

    If you still have concerns you would like addressed about our people or processes, please let us know. We will do our best to improve our systems or our communication of them. Please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

    If you have serious concerns that you would like to see escalated, you can make a formal complaint to us by emailing This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. which will be acknowledged within 2 working days. Please refer to NZOIA’s Complaints Policy and process.

    Professional Misconduct – Disciplinary Action Pathway

    If you believe your complaint relates to professional misconduct, you can notify us of that from the outset using the Professional Misconduct – Disciplinary Action Pathway, rather than the Complaints Process.


    © 2025 NZOIA. All rights reserved. New Zealand Outdoor Instructors Association Inc. [NZOIA]. Powered by Ideo Concepts NZ Ltd