Check out the information below to ensure you are well prepared for a successful outcome.
NZOIA assessments are designed to give candidates the opportunity to demonstrate their knowledge and skills both personally and professionally as an instructor or guide.
Assessors strive to create a non-threatening environment where communication is open and the process is transparent. We aim for assessments to be a positive learning experience. Assessments are a great way to see where you are at with regards to industry good practice and are opportunities to learn from other instructors and guides.
Assessments range from 1 - 6 days depending on the discipline. About half this time is spent working with model clients. You can expect to have up to eight candidates on your assessment and at least one Assessor to every four candidates.
NZOIA courses can involve long and intense days. Avoid going into a course fatigued as this could affect your performance and become a safety issue. Driving home tired can be a significant risk. Plan to stay an extra night or share driving responsibilities for the journey home.
Read the Assessment process below for more detail.
The following prerequisites need to be met before attending an assessment:
- NZOIA Registered Membership (or be working under an Affiliated Membership of NZOIA)
- Minimum age
- 18+ years old - NZOIA Leader & Climbing Wall Qualifications
- 20+ years old - NZOIA 1 & 2 assessments
- Current First Aid Certificate
- Personal and instructional experience - required number of days as evidenced in a logbook and NZOIA Summary Sheet
- Discipline specific prerequisites - as set out in the relevant Scope and Syllabus e.g. hold Bush 1 and attendance on an Avalanche Risk Management course before attending an Alpine 1 assessment.
- Pay course fee
If you are doing a Free Range Assessment, prerequisite documents must be sent to your Assessor.
Please note: Not submitting the required prerequisite documentation before the assessment will result in a deferment. Deferments incur a $50 administration fee on submission of required evidence to pass.
Prerequisite Logged Experience
This is the minimum experience needed to develop the skills required to pass the assessment. It is recommended you exceed the required number of days, to give yourself the highest chance of a successful result.
A logbook is a critical part of assessment. It is used to verify that your experience is meeting the logged prerequisite requirements.
It is also the basis of your CV, outlining your personal and professional development. Employers may ask to view it, to validate your experience.
You need to clearly identify the prerequisite requirements in your logbook. For example: Alpine 1 logbook prerequisite: at least 20 days personal alpine experience including at least 5 nights camping in the snow. Identify personal days from instructional and course training days and number them to 20, with dates and location. Highlight the 5 nights camping in the snow.
We encourage you to use the NZOIA online logbook which you can access once you are logged in by clicking on the Members tab.
Summary Sheets
NZOIA Summary Sheets assist you and us to identify gaps in prerequisite requirements. They must match the evidence supplied in your logbook.
Fees are heavily subsidised to keep courses affordable for members. NZOIA absorbs the balance of the cost through external funding.
Save $100!! NZOIA offers a Pre Assessment Training Course and Assessment package. For more details click here.
Assessments for Leader and Climbing Wall qualifications are run through the Free Range Assessment model.
To sit a NZOIA 1 or 2 qualification you need to apply for an assessment through NZOIA.
- If you aren’t already, become a NZOIA Registered Member
- Select appropriate assessment through Course Calendar. This will outline everything you need to know: duration, cost, location and what is required to complete your application. You will also find links to the Scope and Syllabus documents which outline prerequisite requirements. If you are unable to attend a scheduled assessment, refer to the information under Custom course.
- Apply EARLY! Applications need to be approved by the closing date; we may need time to give you feedback on your application. Click APPLY, Ideally you will have all the required documentation ready to upload at the time of applying (e.g. summary sheet, logbook, first aid certificate). To upload documents or update health information after submitting your application, you can access your application through My Course Applications under the Members tab.
- Completing your Application: Fill in the health information and risk disclosure and click SUBMIT APPLICATION. This will take you to Order Details. Select one of the three options:
- Pay by Credit Card
- Request an Invoice (at least a month ahead if you want your organisation to pay or for those wanting to use internet banking)
- Already Paid (also select this if you already have an invoice and would like to pay via internet banking)
- Application Acknowledgement
You will receive an Application Acknowledgement via email to confirm your application has gon through, and we will be in touch within 1-3 business days.
Completed application documents and payment must be received by the application closing date which is 6 weeks prior to course commencement. Your place will be secured once your application and payment is complete.
Endorsements (such as the Sport Climbing Endorsement for Rock 1) can be applied for through the Assessment Calendar or by arranging a Free Range Assessment.
Whether you are doing a scheduled NZOIA Assessment, Custom Assessment or Free Range Assessment, all the prerequisites outlined in the Scope and Syllabus must be met prior to sitting the qualification.
NZOIA recognises a number of other association’s qualifications for Recognition of Current Competency, including previously registered NZOIA qualifications.
Check out the RCC Process and Matrix here to see if this is an option for you.
NZOIA wants assessments to be a positive learning experience. We recommend that candidates:
- Read the Scope and Syllabus documents carefully
- Ensure all prerequisites are met
Logged experience is the minimum experience needed to develop the skills required to pass the course. We recommend you exceed the required number of days to give yourself the highest chance of a successful result.
- Train thoroughly
Attending the relevant NZOIA pre assessment training course 3–12 months before attending an assessment course is strongly recommended. Nearly every person who attends an NZOIA assessment acknowledges the value of attending a pre assessment training course. Not only does it help improve the quality of your instruction and how you guide a group, it will also lead to a more enjoyable assessment experience. Be as prepared as you can be, no-one wants to attend an assessment and not pass!
Other Training Tips
- Take friends out as model clients and ask for feedback
- Link with other instructors and guides in your region and arrange peer training sessions
- Gain work experience
- Attend other relevant training courses
- Contact others who have been on assessments and ask for advice
- Contact the Assessment Coordinator with any queries about the programme or syllabus
- Find a mentor who will guide your development
- Read the relevant resources
During the assessment, candidates are required to complete a variety of tasks that enable the Assessors to gain an understanding of the candidate's standard of competence.
The tasks can take the form of written work, practical demonstrations, presentations and discussions.
Assessment feedback
At the completion of each task the candidates will receive feedback on their performance. This will be completed using feedback methods suited to the candidate and the situation. The process is facilitated to provide a constructive assessment and learning environment, improving each candidate's ability to accurately perceive what their strengths are, and areas that need improving.
The feedback is then followed by an allocation of an assessment grade on the candidate's performance relative to the required minimum standard of competence for each criterion. This will occur at regular intervals during the assessment to ensure the candidate has an accurate understanding of how they are performing relative to the whole qualification.
Assessment Grading Scale:
- Well below the specified standard of competence
- Slightly below the specified standard of competence
- Competent performance of the specified standard
- Slightly above the specified standard of competence
- Well above the specified standard of competence
Assessment results
The Assessor will assume you have passed unless you demonstrate below benchmark performance.
The candidate achieves at least the minimum benchmark of competence in all areas.
Conditional Pass
The candidate has demonstrated a Pass result in all the tasks that were able to be set. All components assessed must be at or above the specified benchmark of competence.
If due to environmental conditions an assessment task cannot be performed on the assessment, then the candidate receives a Conditional Pass until they are seen by an Assessor performing the task in the required conditions. The Conditional Pass should occur within six months following the assessment.
The candidate is below the minimum benchmark in less than 25% of the competencies, none of which threatens immediate safety of self or clients and these can be reassessed in less than one day at a later date. Candidates have one chance at a reassessment. Reassessments incur further fees. See Course Fees. The Deferment should not be within 1 month of the assessment and should occur within six months of the assessment.
The candidate is below the minimum benchmark in more than 25% of the competencies, or they critically compromise safety. They need to re-sit the full assessment. If a candidate receives a re-sit result on their personal day, they cannot participate on the model client day. They can observe the model client day if they wish. A person who fails an assessment cannot attend another assessment in the same discipline within four months of the failed assessment.
There is a right to appeal the result.
Each assessment requires a group of 'Model Clients' so Assessors can observe candidates delivering a session with real clients and assess their competence, instructing, group management and people skills, in an authentic, safe and controlled environment.
Four weeks out from the assessment in the Pre-Course Information letter, candidates will receive a generic statement outlining the typical model client they will be teaching at that level e.g. NZOIA 1 model clients usually have a little experience in the activity and are high school age and above. There may also be some detail related to the specific activity e.g. Canyon 1 model clients should be Year 12 and above, water confident with good fitness, abseiling experience advantageous.
We aim for the Assessor to have the details of the model clients on the Monday prior to the assessment or earlier.
Candidates will be briefed on the details of the model clients during the assessment.
At their discretion the Assessor may pass this information on earlier to all the candidates if they think it is important for the safe running of the course. This may be due to the weather forecast, atypical model client groups, equipment sourcing etc.
You will be required to work as a candidate team to coordinate the model client day/s and this may include sourcing model client equipment.
Any assessment should be viewed only as an indication that a particular level of expertise was demonstrated at a particular time. This should not be interpreted as an immediate guarantee of competence by any employer, but should be used in conjunction with the ongoing log of experience and professional development since the assessment.
For the qualification to remain registered with NZOIA, and therefore current, the qualification holder must:
- Maintain annual Registered Membership with NZOIA
- Maintain a current First Aid certificate
- Revalidate their qualifications on a four year cycle
- Log personal and instructional experience and professional development
A qualification is not the end of an instructor or guide's professional training. It is a point on a continuum in their professional career, and part of a pathway of continually improving knowledge, skills and experience instructing and guiding. NZOIA qualifications become unregistered after four years, at which time they must be revalidated to be considered current.