Constitution Summary

    (You can read the full constitution here

    NZOIA provides training and qualifications, and represents members' interests.


    There are Registered Members, Associate Members, Affiliated Members and Honorary Life Members.

    The Executive may reprimand, suspend, or expel a member found guilty of misconduct. There is an appeal process.

    Office holders

    The Association shall be managed by a Board consisting of seven (7) Directors.  Four Directors shall be elected from the membership and three Directors shall be by appointment. A Chair will be chosen by the Board from its seven Directors. 

    The term for a director is 3 years. The Board may also co-opt members.The Board may establish a technical advisory committee to advise on standards and syllabuses, or it may work with committees convened by partner organisations.

    General Meetings

    The Board must call an AGM within 18 months of the last AGM, and must send members notice of this meeting six weeks beforehand.

    The quorum for General Meetings is 10 Registered financial members present at the meeting. To vote, you must be a Registered or Honorary Member with a current and registered qualification who has paid all fees due.

    The meeting will elect officers, receive the Chair's report, receive the financial report and independent financial review, set the subscription, and decide on any motions or proposals (which require a written notice four weeks beforehand).

    Resolutions require a majority vote of members who are present or represented by proxy. A proxy must be signed by the appointee and given to the Chief Executive 48 hours beforehand.

    Special General Meetings

    The Executive must convene a Special General Meeting (SGM) within two months of a request specifying the proposed business, and signed by six financial members.

    The Chief Executive must send notice of the SGM and the business to be conducted to all members four weeks before the meeting. No other business may be transacted at the meeting.

    Alteration of the constitution

    The Constitution may be altered at a General Meeting, providing that a motion is given to the Chief Executive four weeks beforehand. The motion will be published two weeks before the meeting date.

    You can read the full constitution here.

    © 2025 NZOIA. All rights reserved. New Zealand Outdoor Instructors Association Inc. [NZOIA]. Powered by Ideo Concepts NZ Ltd