Training Courses
NZOIA offers pre assessment training courses for instructors and guides to help prepare for a NZOIA assessment.
These courses are run with low ratios by Assessors.
Attending the relevant NZOIA pre assessment training course 3–12 months before attending an assessment course is strongly recommended to ensure you are well prepared.
Save $100!! NZOIA offers a Pre Assessment Training Course and Asssessment package. For more details click here.
Instructor/Guide pre assessment training courses are designed for people who have already developed their personal skills in a particular discipline, have begun leading and instructing others under supervision, and who wish to be NZOIA qualified.
We aim for these courses to be a positive learning experience. They are a great way to see where you are at with regards to industry good practice and are opportunities to learn from other instructors and guides, as well as the Assessor.
Pre assessment training courses are usually two days. You can expect to have up to six people on the course.
The course will go through the major elements required on assessment. They should help you identify any gaps before you attend the assessment. You should aim to complete your assessment within 3 to 12 months of a pre assessment training course.
NZOIA courses can involve long and intense days. Avoid going into a course fatigued as this could affect your performance and become a safety issue. Driving home tired can be a significant risk. Plan to stay an extra night or share driving responsibilities for the journey home.
Current qualification holders may choose to attend a pre assessment training course to refresh and up-skill. In some cases, this will also qualify as a revalidation event. See Revalidation and Registration for more info.
Stand-down period between Pre Assessment Training Course and Assessment
Ideally there should be a period of several months between the pre assessment training course and assessment. This allows you time to work on any gaps that have been highlighted by the course. With exception of the Leader qualifications, it is NZOIA policy that you cannot be trained and assessed by the same person within a 6-week period. Leader qualifications are exempt because the leader will be inducted into the site before instructing or guiding in the workplace. Please ensure you plan accordingly. This is mostly applicable to Free Range Assessments.