NZOIA Name and Logo Guidelines

    The NZOIA name and logos are trademarked. 


    NZOIA Standard Logo:

    The standard NZOIA logo is only to be used by NZOIA and other members or organisations for the reference to, or marketing of NZOIA.

    NZOIA logo Revise Final 2010 colour PRINT    


    To promote yourself or your organisation as a NZOIA member or advertise that you are NZOIA qualified/registered or have NZOIA qualified/registered staff, please use the following logos and guidelines:


    You can:

    • say that you are a NZOIA member (or are a NZOIA qualified instructor/guide/assessor if you have registered qualifications) if your membership is current and you use the applicable NZOIA logo
    • say that your staff are NZOIA members (or are a NZOIA qualified instructor/guide/assessor if you have registered qualifications) if their membership is current and use the applicable logo next to their name
    • say that your organisation is an Affiliated Member of NZOIA if you have current Affiliated Membership and working towards qualifying your staff
    • say that you are a NZOIA Associate member if your membership is current and you use the Associate NZOIA logo, as long as it is clear any qualifications you hold are currently unregistered.

    You may not:

    • modify the logo in any way other than changing the size. The wording must still be readable.
    • use the Registered Instructor or Guide if you're not a Registered Member with current registered and revalidated qualification, or do not employ NZOIA registered staff, or are not an Affiliated Member.
    • give the impression that you or your employees are qualified when you do not hold current qualifications/registration.
    • advertise yourself as NZOIA qualified/registered if your qualification is unregistered or is on hold.


    NZOIA Registered Instructor / NZOIA Registered Guide:

    NZOIA Registered Instructor Logo  NZOIA Registered Guide Logo 

    Only current NZOIA Registered members with a registered and revalidated qualification are entitled to describe themselves as a NZOIA qualified/registered Instructor or Guide. They can use the NZOIA Registered Instructor/Guide logo as per the guidelines above. Organisations whose instructing/guiding staff have current registered and revalidated NZOIA qualifications may also use the NZOIA Registered Instructor/Guide logo next to individual staff names as per the guidelines.


    NZOIA Registered Assessor

    NZOIA Registered Assessor Logo

    Only current NZOIA Registered Assessors may use the above logo as per the guidelines above.


    NZOIA Affiliated Member:

    NZOIA Affiliated Member Logo

    Only current Affiliated Members who have NZOIA qualified staff or are working towards this may say they are a NZOIA Affiliated Member and use the NZOIA Affiliated logo as per the guidelines above.


    NZOIA Associate Member:

    NZOIA Associate Member Logo

     Only current Associate Members may use the above logo as per the guidelines above.


    Please let us know of people who promote themselves as NZOIA members or NZOIA qualified when they're not. We will follow up with them.


    Website Use

    Where the NZOIA logo is to be used on a member’s website, the member will provide a 'link' to the NZOIA website (, either directly from the NZOIA logo on the member’s website, or from a links list on the member’s website.

    We encourage Registered Members with valid (registered and revalidated) qualifications to use the name and logo for promotional purposes. The logo can be downloaded by clicking on the applicable logo above. Please ensure the NZOIA logo you use is current.

    If you're unsure about how to use the name or logo in your particular situation, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

    © 2024 NZOIA. All rights reserved. New Zealand Outdoor Instructors Association Inc. [NZOIA]. Powered by Ideo Concepts NZ Ltd