Registered Membership
Registered Membership is for active outdoor leaders, instructors or guides who are committed to qualifications and enhancing the quality of outdoor instruction. (Formally known as Full Membership).
You need to be a Registered Member to apply for a NZOIA assessment.
1 July to 30 June - $230 (Full time NZ Student (EFTS of 0.8 or greater) $172.50)
*NEW members who apply after 1 April will not expire until 30 June the following year
*Between 1 Jan - 31 Mar, NEW Registered Members receive 50% off. Enter Coupon Code IK97849648
*Registered Membership includes Qualification Registration fees
Previous NZOIA members wishing to re-join NZOIA and re-register their qualifications are able to do so by paying a re-registration fee (if qualification/s have been unregistered for less than 6 years) or via the NZOIA RCC process (if more than six years). Find out more...
Manaaki Fund
The Manaaki Fund supports NZOIA Members who are or will be financially challenged for the coming membership year by offering a 25% discount on Registered Membership fees. This Fund is set up in good faith to support members who need their qualifications to work in the industry, but who would struggle to stay registered without the discount. There is only a finite amount available in the fund. Learn more...
- Being part of a professional association for outdoor leaders, instructors and guides, ensuring you remain up to speed with good practice
- Industry communication & engagement: NZOIA’s Quarterly Magazine and weekly updates
- Access to exclusive jobs on the jobs board
- Access to discounts on NZOIA stocked products and publications
- Discounted fees for Training Workshops and Symposium
- Access to Assessment and Revalidation courses
- Gear and experience discounts from a range of reputable outdoor suppliers
- Registration listing on the NZOIA Instructor/Guide search, which also confirms your qualification status
- Use of the NZOIA Registered Instructor logo (if you have valid registered and revalidated qualification/s - see conditions of use)
- Crisis Support to a member involved in a critical incident
- Registered qualifications assist the audit process
- Voting rights at NZOIA’s AGM if you hold current qualifications
- The right to stand for the NZOIA Board
- The right to apply to be an NZOIA Assessor
Annette PhillipsNZOIA Canyon 2“Obtaining this qualification has enabled me to engage with a professional body which has a solid platform and benchmarking of skills to work against. Being an active NZOIA member also keeps me connected with an impressive community of guides and instructors to share and collaborate with.” |
Shanan MilesNZOIA Alpine 1, Bush 1, Cave 1, Kayak 2, Rock 2 “NZOIA and its qualifications have helped me gain great work experiences around Aotearoa. They have allowed me the freedom to deliver top quality outdoor educational experiences in the most ultimate locations to those in the community who need those experiences the most.” |